Legal Update: Extension granted to those applying for Spanish Citizenship

August 29, 2024
Claudia Font


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Claudia Font, a partner on gunnercooke’s Spanish Desk, had previously written an article on Spanish nationality, more specifically around children and grandchildren of Spanish citizens being able to apply for a Spanish passport without having to renounce their British Citizenship.

Since this article, published in November 2023, there has been an update/extension that can benefit more UK citizens wanting to apply for Spanish passport through the “ley de memoria democratica” (LMD).

Claudia Font takes a look into these changes and how the new law can benefit many people across the UK.

“Since the LMD came into force in October 2022 the number of applications for Spanish nationality for British citizens with Spanish parents or grandparents has been substantial.

“We are currently dealing with c.70 applications and those who have been finished have all been successful, which confirms that this is certainly a good way to secure Spanish nationality and therefore, Spanish passport.

“The said law gave us a window of two years to submit the applications without applicants having to renounce to their previous (British) citizenship, being the expiry date October 2024.

“The good news is that the LMD has been extended for another 12 months i.e. now ending October 2025.

“As a reminder, with the said law, UK citizens with Spanish relatives can apply for Spanish passport. So, who is entitled to apply?

  • Those who were born outside Spain to parents or grandparents who were originally Spanish.
  • Those who were born outside Spain to women who lost their Spanish nationality by marrying foreign nationals before the 1978 Constitution entered into force.
  • The children of Spaniards who acquired their Spanish nationality by origin through the LMD.

“It is important to note, that it also allows those who opted for Spanish nationality renouncing to their UK citizenship to opt for Spanish nationality without having to renounce.”

If you need an expert to help you with your application, you can contact our Spanish Desk who are able to provide legal support. You can use their email at: [email protected].

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