GDPR marks anniversary but e-privacy regulation is ‘stuck’

May 28, 2019
Tim Heywood


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Tim Heywood, Data Protection expert at gunnercooke, has commented on the current status of GDPR in the UK and Europe:

“It’s a whole year since the GDPR came into force.  Rumour has it that the ICO and its counterparts across the EU are gearing up for some major enforcement measures shortly, armed as they are with enhanced powers to levy huge fines against the worst offenders. Watch this space!”

He warned of an impasse on e-privacy regulation, however:

“Whilst the GDPR seems to be bedding in nicely, the same can’t be said for the proposed update of the related e-privacy regulation. This has been stuck in the EU legislative process for a considerable period of time and its final text is still not agreed. Until the new law is passed (and no one in Brussels is hazarding a guess at when that might be) e-marketeers and others will still have to apply the now slightly misaligned privacy and electronic communications regulations 2003.”