“Jump in, the water’s warm” – 1 year at gunnercooke with Michael M Jones

May 25, 2023
Michael M Jones


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What has been your highlight at gunnercooke so far?  

Attending my first Symposium, where all the Partners at the firm meet up for a few days in Oxford, and playing viola (an instrument I have never touched before) live in a firm “orchestra”.  It was anything but a Bitter Sweet Symphony, far better sounding than it ought to have been, and a decent example of how we can work together as one. 

What do you wish you could tell yourself 1 year ago?

Relax, it will work out, and don’t panic. Make sure you try to develop contacts within gunnercooke, the firm has a freshness, can do spirit and positive atmosphere so really try to take advantage of it.

Is there anything that you’d love to accomplish in the coming years? 

I would love to be elected as an MP. The beauty of gunnercooke is having the flexibility to pursue other careers and avenues that you wouldn’t be able to in a traditional firm.  

What do you remember about your first day/week/month? 

My first week was discombobulating. I left my old firm on the Sunday, was unemployed on the bank holiday Monday, started at gunnercooke on the Tuesday, stood as a candidate in local elections on the Thursday and was elected on the Friday.  So, from no job to two jobs in four days!

What would be your advice for people thinking of joining gunnercooke?  

Speak to people already here.  Ask difficult questions, but jump in, the water’s warm.

To contact Michael or read more about his practice, click here.

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