
Italian Desk

“Net promoter Score (NPS) is a system used to measure the quality of service given to a client from their feedback. The score ranges from -100 to +100, a “positive” score or NPS above 0 is considered “good”, +50 is “Excellent,” and above 70 is considered “world class”.


Antonello is dually qualified as ‘Avvocato Cassazionista’ in Italy and ‘Solicitor of the Senior Courts’ in England and Wales, who has over 30 years of experience in Civil Law, Commercial and International Business. With a background representative of two generations of lawyers, Antonello started law practice from 1987 in Italy and from 2013 has been admitted to the Law Society of England and Wales.

As Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Antonello’s expertise also lies in international arbitration and ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) methods. He is a reliable, ethical and professional legal consultant in multi jurisdictional matters, known for his natural problem-solving abilities.

Thanks to a well-established international network of contacts, Antonello especially manages cases and advises clients on any cross-border matter and business development in real estate, import/export, luxury, fashion, holiday, food, technology, construction, energy, education. He is a punctual consultant on assets management, companies and commercial agreements. He acts in litigation and for debt recovery too.

His support is recommended for creative and innovative entrepreneurs and to avoid risks and disputes.

(Italian version)

Antonello è doppiamente qualificato come Avvocato Cassazionista in Italia e Solicitor presso le Corti Superiori in Inghilterra e Galles, in possesso di oltre 30 anni di esperienza nel Diritto Civile, Commerciale e degli Affari Internazionali. Con una bagaglio di due generazioni di avvocati, Antonello ha iniziato la propria carriera professionale nel 1987 in Italia e dal 2013 è stato ammesso alla Law Society d’Inghilterra e Galles.

Come Fellow del Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Antonello ha anche esperienza nel settore dell’arbitrato internazionale e dei metodi alternativi di risoluzione delle controversie (ADR). E’ un consulente legale affidabile, corretto e professionale, su questioni che riguardano diverse giurisdizioni, conosciuto per le sue naturali doti di problem-solving.

Grazie a un affidabile network di relazioni internazionali, Antonello gestisce casi e assiste la propria clientela in qualsiasi materia trasnazionale e nello sviluppo di affari nei settori immobiliare, import/export, lusso, moda, vacanze, agro-alimentare, tecnologico, appalti, energia, istruzione. E’ un consulente preciso nelle gestioni patrimoniali, nel settore societario e nella contrattualistica commerciale. Opera anche nel diritto processuale e nel recupero crediti.

Il suo supporto è raccomandato per imprenditori creativi e innovativi e per che vuole evitare rischi e controversie.

Antonello Advises

  • Management teams and business leaders
  • Shareholders and directors
  • Individual and corporate investors
  • Innovative and creative entrepreneurs

Experience Highlights

  • The €380k order of payment by an Italian Court against an English company and in favour of an Italian company for unpaid supply of goods in the UK.
  • The £2,5m EPC contract between an Italian engineering and construction supplier and an English buyer for a photovoltaic solar power plant built at Rookery Farm.
  • On behalf of the shareholders of an English company, the £65k debt recovery and the disqualification of the managing director who has stolen monies from the bank account.


  • Leogrande A., Diritto dell’energia, in Codice dell’Ambiente e normativa collegata, UTET, Turin, edited by Buonfrate A., 2008, ISBN 9788859802457SBN: 978-8
  • Leogrande A., Arbitrato e accordo bonario nelle controversie del’Amministrazione della difesa e del Genio Militare, in Codice degli arbitrati delle conciliazioni e di altre ADR, UTET, Turin, edited by Buonfrate A. and Giovannucci Orlandi C., 2006, ISBN 9788859800569
  • Leogrande A. and Buonfrate A., L’arbitrato negli appalti pubblici, Giuffrè, Milan, 2000, ISBN 978884089725
  • Leogrande A. and Buonfrate A. L’arbitrato amministrato dalle Camere di Commercio, Giuffrè, Milan, 1998, ISBN 9788814068225

Articles and case notes:

  • Leogrande A., Arbitration of Disputes Arising from Public Procurement: A Proposal of some Guidelines for Arbitral Institutions, in Doing Business Index: ADR in Effective Enforcement of Contracts – 6th Anniversary Special Publication of Bangladesh International Arbitration Centre, Dhaka, 2017
  • Leogrande A. and Buonfrate A., L’arbitrato nei lavori pubblici: dubbi di legittimità e altre questioni aperte, in Rivista Trimestrale degli appalti, 1/2002, Maggioli, Bologna, 2002, ISSN 0394-8374
  • Leogrande A. and Buonfrate A., La giustizia alternativa in Italia tra ADR e conciliazione, in Rivista dell’Arbitrato, 2/1999, Giuffrè, Milan, 1999, ISSN 1122-0147
  • Leogrande A. and Buonfrate A., I regolamenti ordinari e semplificati di conciliazione e arbitrato, in I Contratti, IPSOA, Milan, 1998, ISSN 1123-5047

Career History

Previous Law Firms

  • Temple Court Chambers
  • Buonfrate, Leogrande & Partners
  • Studio Legale Leogrande


  • 2017 admitted, in October (19th), to the Panel of International Arbitrators of Bangladesh International Arbitration Centre (Bangladesh)
  • 2017 recognized, in September (12th), as English lawyer practicing in Italy by the British Embassy in Rome
  • 2017 admitted, in July (7th), to the Panel of Arbitrators (2017-2020) of Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration (Malaysia)
  • 2017 admitted, in June (19th) as Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
  • 2017 admitted, in June (1st), to the Panel of Arbitrators (2017-2022) of Langfang Arbitration Commission (China)
  • 2017 awarded, in May (2nd), the Diploma in International Arbitration by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
  • 2017 qualified, in April (3rd), as Solicitor of the Senior Courts in England and Wales
  • 2016 admitted, in November (23rd), as Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
  • 2013 admitted, in February (27th), to the Law Society of England and Wales – Solicitor Regulation Authority as Registered European Lawyer n°596165
  • 2010 admitted, in November (15th), as Associate n°28315 of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
  • 2008 admitted, in March (16th), to the Roll of Chair of Arbitration Panels at the Arbitration Chamber for Public Contracts in Rome (Italy)
  • 2005 admitted, in February (25th), to the Roll of Lawyers before the Court of Cassation and other Higher Courts in Rome (Italy)
  • 1993 admitted, in January (16th), as Member of the Italian Bar – Ordine Avvocati Taranto (Italy)
  • 1992 qualified by exams, in December (10th), as Italian “Avvocato”
  • 1989 admitted, in November (11th) to the Register of Italian Practising Lawyers
  • 1987 admitted, in December (16th), to the Register of Italian Legal Practitioners


1987 (December, 2nd) Degree in Law ‘Università degli Studi di Bari – Aldo Moro’ (Italy);


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Antonello is dually qualified as ‘Avvocato Cassazionista’ in Italy and ‘Solicitor of the Senior Courts’ in England and Wales, who has over 30 years of experience in Civil Law, Commercial and International Business. With a background representative of two generations of lawyers, Antonello started law practice from 1987 in Italy and from 2013 has been admitted to the Law Society of England and Wales.

As Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Antonello’s expertise also lies in international arbitration and ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) methods. He is a reliable, ethical and professional legal consultant in multi jurisdictional matters, known for his natural problem-solving abilities.

Thanks to a well-established international network of contacts, Antonello especially manages cases and advises clients on any cross-border matter and business development in real estate, import/export, luxury, fashion, holiday, food, technology, construction, energy, education. He is a punctual consultant on assets management, companies and commercial agreements. He acts in litigation and for debt recovery too.

His support is recommended for creative and innovative entrepreneurs and to avoid risks and disputes.

(Italian version)

Antonello è doppiamente qualificato come Avvocato Cassazionista in Italia e Solicitor presso le Corti Superiori in Inghilterra e Galles, in possesso di oltre 30 anni di esperienza nel Diritto Civile, Commerciale e degli Affari Internazionali. Con una bagaglio di due generazioni di avvocati, Antonello ha iniziato la propria carriera professionale nel 1987 in Italia e dal 2013 è stato ammesso alla Law Society d’Inghilterra e Galles.

Come Fellow del Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Antonello ha anche esperienza nel settore dell’arbitrato internazionale e dei metodi alternativi di risoluzione delle controversie (ADR). E’ un consulente legale affidabile, corretto e professionale, su questioni che riguardano diverse giurisdizioni, conosciuto per le sue naturali doti di problem-solving.

Grazie a un affidabile network di relazioni internazionali, Antonello gestisce casi e assiste la propria clientela in qualsiasi materia trasnazionale e nello sviluppo di affari nei settori immobiliare, import/export, lusso, moda, vacanze, agro-alimentare, tecnologico, appalti, energia, istruzione. E’ un consulente preciso nelle gestioni patrimoniali, nel settore societario e nella contrattualistica commerciale. Opera anche nel diritto processuale e nel recupero crediti.

Il suo supporto è raccomandato per imprenditori creativi e innovativi e per che vuole evitare rischi e controversie.

Antonello Advises

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  • Management teams and business leaders
  • Shareholders and directors
  • Individual and corporate investors
  • Innovative and creative entrepreneurs

Experience Highlights

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  • The €380k order of payment by an Italian Court against an English company and in favour of an Italian company for unpaid supply of goods in the UK.
  • The £2,5m EPC contract between an Italian engineering and construction supplier and an English buyer for a photovoltaic solar power plant built at Rookery Farm.
  • On behalf of the shareholders of an English company, the £65k debt recovery and the disqualification of the managing director who has stolen monies from the bank account.


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  • Leogrande A., Diritto dell’energia, in Codice dell’Ambiente e normativa collegata, UTET, Turin, edited by Buonfrate A., 2008, ISBN 9788859802457SBN: 978-8
  • Leogrande A., Arbitrato e accordo bonario nelle controversie del’Amministrazione della difesa e del Genio Militare, in Codice degli arbitrati delle conciliazioni e di altre ADR, UTET, Turin, edited by Buonfrate A. and Giovannucci Orlandi C., 2006, ISBN 9788859800569
  • Leogrande A. and Buonfrate A., L’arbitrato negli appalti pubblici, Giuffrè, Milan, 2000, ISBN 978884089725
  • Leogrande A. and Buonfrate A. L’arbitrato amministrato dalle Camere di Commercio, Giuffrè, Milan, 1998, ISBN 9788814068225

Articles and case notes:

  • Leogrande A., Arbitration of Disputes Arising from Public Procurement: A Proposal of some Guidelines for Arbitral Institutions, in Doing Business Index: ADR in Effective Enforcement of Contracts – 6th Anniversary Special Publication of Bangladesh International Arbitration Centre, Dhaka, 2017
  • Leogrande A. and Buonfrate A., L’arbitrato nei lavori pubblici: dubbi di legittimità e altre questioni aperte, in Rivista Trimestrale degli appalti, 1/2002, Maggioli, Bologna, 2002, ISSN 0394-8374
  • Leogrande A. and Buonfrate A., La giustizia alternativa in Italia tra ADR e conciliazione, in Rivista dell’Arbitrato, 2/1999, Giuffrè, Milan, 1999, ISSN 1122-0147
  • Leogrande A. and Buonfrate A., I regolamenti ordinari e semplificati di conciliazione e arbitrato, in I Contratti, IPSOA, Milan, 1998, ISSN 1123-5047

Career History

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Previous Law Firms

  • Temple Court Chambers
  • Buonfrate, Leogrande & Partners
  • Studio Legale Leogrande


  • 2017 admitted, in October (19th), to the Panel of International Arbitrators of Bangladesh International Arbitration Centre (Bangladesh)
  • 2017 recognized, in September (12th), as English lawyer practicing in Italy by the British Embassy in Rome
  • 2017 admitted, in July (7th), to the Panel of Arbitrators (2017-2020) of Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration (Malaysia)
  • 2017 admitted, in June (19th) as Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
  • 2017 admitted, in June (1st), to the Panel of Arbitrators (2017-2022) of Langfang Arbitration Commission (China)
  • 2017 awarded, in May (2nd), the Diploma in International Arbitration by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
  • 2017 qualified, in April (3rd), as Solicitor of the Senior Courts in England and Wales
  • 2016 admitted, in November (23rd), as Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
  • 2013 admitted, in February (27th), to the Law Society of England and Wales – Solicitor Regulation Authority as Registered European Lawyer n°596165
  • 2010 admitted, in November (15th), as Associate n°28315 of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
  • 2008 admitted, in March (16th), to the Roll of Chair of Arbitration Panels at the Arbitration Chamber for Public Contracts in Rome (Italy)
  • 2005 admitted, in February (25th), to the Roll of Lawyers before the Court of Cassation and other Higher Courts in Rome (Italy)
  • 1993 admitted, in January (16th), as Member of the Italian Bar – Ordine Avvocati Taranto (Italy)
  • 1992 qualified by exams, in December (10th), as Italian “Avvocato”
  • 1989 admitted, in November (11th) to the Register of Italian Practising Lawyers
  • 1987 admitted, in December (16th), to the Register of Italian Legal Practitioners


1987 (December, 2nd) Degree in Law ‘Università degli Studi di Bari – Aldo Moro’ (Italy);

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