Health & Safety

We support you in prioritising the health and safety of you, your business and your employees

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For further advice please contact us for a consultation.

+44 (0)3330 143 401

When a health and safety incident occurs, it can be devastating for a business. We work strategically with directors on risk avoidance, ongoing compliance with legislation, and how to respond should the worst happen.


Unlike other practice areas, Health & Safety law comprises a complex mixture of policy (central government, local government and non-departmental regulators) and law. Consequently, businesses don’t just require legal advice; they need a trusted authority to guide them through the myriad of policy and policymaking,

Our health and safety team aims to deliver peace of mind at what can be times of extreme stress for business leaders. We understand that at these times, there is a requirement for urgent response, discretion and a level headed, pragmatic approach – which is exactly what we provide.

We advise across the full spectrum of health and safety matters, from policy and policymaking, to responding rapidly to any incidents arising during regulatory and manslaughter investigations.

Our team has advised on proceedings brought by the Health and Safety Executive, Food Standards Agency, Local Authority, Environment Agency, and the Trading Standards agency. We have particular expertise in advising boards at a strategic level on their responsibilities with regards to health, product and fire safety. Members of our team have been involved in many of the major health and safety cases of the last decade, including having defended McDonalds against group litigation in the now famous ‘Hot Drinks’ litigation, which remains one of the leading decisions under the Consumer Protection Act 1987.

Common issues we solve for our clients

  • Regulatory action and investigations.
  • Incident and emergency response.
  • Inquests and inquiries.
  • Compliance, policy and governance.

Notable matters our lawyers have worked on

  • Advising the Board of a major PLC on a corporate manslaughter investigation.
  • Advising a sub-contractor on Health and Safety aspects arising from the construction of The Shard.
  • Defending the director of a waste management company on charges of illegal exportation of waste to Brazil in breach of health and environmental laws. This case was described by the Environmental Agency as the largest brought to date under the Transfrontier Shipment of Waste Regulations 2007.
  • Advising a Luxury Brand on product safety issues associated with counterfeit goods and high lead levels.
  • Advising luxury brand on product safety and product recall regarding defective fabric.
  • Guiding a property developer through an interview under caution for alleged breaches of fire safety.
  • Advising a charity on safety issues associated with workers temporarily working outside the UK.
  • Review of a global media company’s Health and Safety policy.

Key Contacts

Emma Bowens


Regulatory - Safety, Health and Environment

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