Running businesses in tandem: for me, gunnercooke is the perfect model 

March 25, 2025
Rita Sheth


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Rita Sheth, Commercial Advisory & Commercial Litigation Partner recently completed her first year at gunnercooke. She shares her highlights and reflections with the team on how her practice has grown so far.  

What’s your number one highlight at gunnercooke? 

“My number one highlight has to be the Symposium. It was an amazing event and opportunity to network with other gunnercooke partners from everywhere around the world, including the international offices.” 

What has been your biggest hurdle since joining gunnercooke, and how did you manage to push through? 

“My biggest hurdle for me was coming from a number of years of doing in-house consultancy roles. As such, I was one of the few Partners to build a client base from scratch, which adds an additional layer of challenge. 

“However, I have been able to secure clients and, more importantly, to service them well.

“I have obtained so much satisfaction from delivering an excellent service and having them come back to me for second and even third instructions, all in this one year.”

What’s in store for the next year? 

“I think my second year will be a year of consolidation, as I know what my strengths are and where I am able to deliver a unique value proposition. I also want to do much more in-person networking and events, as most of my time at the moment is spent online networking from behind a screen.” 

What is the number one piece of advice you would give someone starting at gunnercooke? 

“You need to be patient, as it takes time to get your footing, but also to enjoy the experience and the freedom the model provides.” 

How does gunnercooke compare to other law firms you’ve worked at? 

“It’s incomparable because it’s so much better – no billing targets, a supportive network and team, opportunity to build your own practice, and many other benefits mean it is the right choice for me.” 

Does our model work better for you? 

“I am also an entrepreneur, like many other of the Partners here, and this model provides me with the flexibility I need to run all my businesses and any other non-profit commitments/hobbies in tandem. For me, at this time, it is the perfect model.” 

How has your practice developed over the last year? 

“I have been able to integrate my knowledge, and the domain experience gathered from my other tech business (emerging technology, AI, blockchain, and consumer/creative industries) in a way that I may not have done otherwise. Leveraging all my skills has made me a more valuable lawyer for clients and has allowed me to develop a holistic approach, unique niche, and offering that is also exciting for me.” 

How has the firm changed over the last year? 

“More Partners are joining all the time, but also, I think that the firm is investing more into the support that they offer, as well as the infrastructure continuously improving.” 

How have you changed over the last year? 

“Good question! More confident. I think that I can do this, I have proven it to myself this year!” 

You can learn more about Rita and her work here. 

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