Spanish Will or an English Will?

June 30, 2021
Claudia Font


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Do you own property in Spain? If you do, it is always convenient to have a Will in place to ensure that the property goes to the relatives or persons you would like them to inherit it. As you will see in this article, there are several options which include granting a Will in your home country or a specific Will in Spain. There advantages and disadvantages in each option and here Antonio Guillen, dual qualified Spanish lawyer and English Solicitor as well as former Honorary Consul for Spain in Manchester, will mention some of them.

For instance, did you know that the administration of a Spanish estate when there is a Spanish Will in place takes an average of 3 months? On the other hand, when there is no Spanish Will the administration process can take as much as 12 months. It´s a big difference as you can see!

As usual, this video cannot replace the complete full advice that you would get if you meet or consult with a Spanish lawyer but it will serve as good guidance to understand a little bit better the different options available.