Thoughts of a Corporate Lawyer: Jahid Ali’s reflections on year one at gunnercooke 

February 12, 2025
Jahid Ali


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Corporate Partner Jahid Ali is celebrating his first anniversary at gunnercooke. Throughout the year, Jahid has shared regular updates on LinkedIn as part of his ‘Thoughts of a Corporate Lawyer’ series. Here are some of the highlights, as he reflects back on building his team, completing his first deal at the firm, attending The Symposium, and looking ahead to the future of his practice.  

March 2024 – One week in… 

That’s a wrap, for my first week at gunnercooke, at least.  

Some observations: 

  1. I am really enjoying doing some legal work. Like how I used to when I was a junior. Looking at documents, making amends, looking at legislation etc. My day job is actually good fun. I missed it.  
  1. I have lots of plans for this venture. I need to remind myself; it takes time. I just spoke to a colleague who used the expression, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’. I’m not trying to build ‘Rome’, you get the point.  
  1. The team at gunnercooke (from IT to Partner support) is excellent. Helpful, supportive, and patient. They’re clearly used to Partners with suspect IT skills.  
  1. I think the business world is supportive of people going out on a limb and giving their own venture a try. Long may that continue.  

Anyway, onwards, and upwards. 

April 2024 – Six weeks in… 

Winning work: nature or nurture?  

Six weeks in, one of the things that has impressed me about gunnercooke is the massive emphasis and support you get to help you win work. So, I’ve just come off an online session on what is effective with potential clients.  

The session was led by lawyers that have extensive experience of brand awareness, business development and marketing. The emphasis on this is understandable, given the way the gunnercooke model works.  

It’s always struck me how we spend years training to be a strong lawyer technically. And then one day you find you’re pretty senior and are now expected to win work – but with no real training and often with limited guidance.  
For some people, this come naturally (this is very rare though). For others, it comes with 

years of practicing and learning what works for them. I’m definitely in the latter camp.  

So, why do professional services firms do that? Surely more time and effort need to be put into teaching that skill? 

June 2024 – Four months in… 

What’s it like to be at gunnercooke? 

So, nearly four months into my new role, what’s it like? I’ve had a number of conversations with partners in a number of law firms who are interested but, understandably, want to know more.  

I’ll say the following (in no particular order): 

  1. You have to have the ability to win work. Whether that’s from existing clients / contacts or from new ones (whatever you rely on). This is key.  
  1. You have to have a vision of what you’re seeking to create. If you don’t have this, it will all feel a bit aimless.  
  1. You will work bloody hard, especially in the early days. You will juggle a number of things. But if you have a vision, the working hard part has purpose.  

Now, four months in, the initial set up piece is done and I’m not working the same hours as I was at the start. Things have settled.  

  1. You will get tons of support from people that want to see you do well. That’s both internally (colleagues) and externally. It’s quite humbling.  
  1. gunnercooke (as I suspect others) gives amazing support in every aspect – BD, IT, compliance etc. That is their thing.  
  1. Money – ok, it seems a bit crass to be talking about it but it’s a huge factor, right. We have families to feed, mortgages to pay etc. It’s the one thing we want to know but are crap at discussing.  

It’s the fear of not having a guaranteed month end pay packet that is scary but it’s a huge motivator! So, this is important.  

  1. Honestly, it’s so rewarding seeing things start to fall in place. Still early days, mind.  

September 2024 – Seven months in… 

The gunnercooke Symposium 
I was at gunnercooke’s annual Symposium last week. There were a number of speakers invited. One such speaker (Jamil Qureshi) was a psychologist and he talked about, amongst a number of things, the mindset of those that do well.  
He said, when setting yourself targets and objectives, being driven by the potential successes is important. Rather than thinking about the worst-case scenario if you fail.  
It resonated with me, and I spent some time thinking about it. Being driven by positives rather than negatives means making bold decisions and investing in yourself, your employees, and your business. Rather than playing it safe. 

February 2025 – One year in… 

What sets this model apart 
Now, nearly a year into my time at gunnercooke, one of the things that really sets this model apart is how agile we are. Yes, it is a slightly odd way to describe a legal practice but it’s the right word.  
What I mean is, our corporate practice is not lumbered with the machinations of a big law firm. Our focus is purely on our corporate practice, in particular, (i) building a practice, (ii) recruiting the right people, (iii) winning work, (iv) servicing the hell out of that work, and (v) having fun whilst working. We’re not interested in or involved in much beyond that. 
That targeted focus means we are nimble. We turn stuff around quickly, we’re responsive, the training that goes into our people is concentrated, and lots of other good things. It really has been an eye opener.  
Onwards and upwards…. 


Since joining gunnercooke, Jahid has recruited Associate Hasin Ali and Trainee Riann Khan, as he builds a leading Corporate team in the East Midlands. 

Catch more from Jahid’s ‘Thoughts of a Corporate Lawyer’ series on his LinkedIn: