Enabling Operational Excellence in manufacturing

December 20, 2021

The UK has long been known for innovation, skilled workmanship and high-quality products. Our history is rich and can continue to be so with our manufacturing organisations at the heart of British industry. Despite a gradual decline, the UK is still the ninth largest manufacturing nation in the world.

We want to help manufacturers continue to thrive. We know it’s challenging, amplified by Brexit and Covid-19 along with the pressures of rising costs, an ageing workforce, and ever-increasing consumer demand, there’s so much to consider.

Despite these challenges, we believe there’s a clear recipe to getting sustainable improvements:

  1. People First
  2. Process Led
  3. Technology Enabled  

Having people first is to recognise the rapidly changing human resources talent pool.  Manufacturers need to ensure they put their people first by equipping them with all-rounded transferable skills and diversified talents to engage with the obstacles that face the business.

To be led by process is to implement thorough methodologies and concrete, multidimensional assessment on the holistic structure of the business in order to lead to improvement. 

Having your business technology enabled is not just about IT.  Manufacturers need to realise and recognise first what their problems are before implementing any improvement strategies.  This should be beyond just having a solid IT system, but about exploring options and ideas that can realistically strengthen your business, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.

To discover more about the challenges and opportunities faced by the manufacturing industry post-lockdown, download our Putting the GREAT Back in Great British Manufacturing whitepaper via this link

The whitepaper is written by gunnercooke Operating Partner’s Operational Excellence team, comprising experts in the manufacturing industry, Ian Turmeau, Rory Masureik, Gordon McKechnie and Shaun Hughes.