Michelle Chen shares insights as a lawyer graduating from a MBA

September 7, 2022
Michelle Chen


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gunnercooke Corporate Partner Dr. Michelle Chen recently graduated with a MBA (Master of Business Administration) from her alma mater University of Cambridge. She shares her insights on how the qualification is helping her to become an even better adviser to her clients.

It’s good to keep learning as a lawyer.

At gunnercooke we have to be much more than just lawyers and the firm encourages us to keep learning, developing and growing, so that we can offer our clients with all rounded advice.

I have always been passionate about learning, both academically and professionally,

Studying for the MBA was the next big step in my development, and I feel it has been the most impactful and important yet.

It has already changed the way I am working with my clients and the way I approach any new relationships or matters.

I have taken knowledge from the course and shared with clients along the way, as a result they are now bringing me into the process at a much earlier stage of a transaction.

Helping clients with queries such as how they should structure their board or other major business decisions has become much easier now, and I’m finding my clients value a new perspective.

I also feel more confident communicating with the leadership team on a different level now that I have a greater understanding of their process, mindset and objectives.

Teamwork is important to me and I’m very fortunate to have a talented team working with me at gunnercooke. I’m grateful to be able to share some of the knowledge and insights I’ve gained from my MBA to help my team members to develop as all rounded advisers.

I absolutely love the law and being a lawyer, but what I love more at gunnercooke is that I have the flexibility to be even more. 

Michelle is a dual-qualified lawyer in China and the UK with 25 years’ experience advising on cross-border M&A and joint venture projects.