
Commodities & Trade Finance



Marc has over 20 years of experience in commodities trading, finance and investment and is part of gunnercooke’s Chambers-ranked Commodities and Trade Finance team. He has held both in house and private practice positions.  Marc’s clients include senior management of trading houses, banks and investment funds.  His track record covers transactions and dispute resolution in the energy, metals and softs markets.

Marc Advises

  • Trading Companies
  • Trade Finance Banks
  • Investment Funds

Experience Highlights

  • Advised an international commodity trader on a pre-export finance facility for the production of copper concentrates in Central Africa.
  • Advised the European office of a US-based alternative trade finance lender on its facilities with UK and European borrowers.
  • Structured and managed equity and credit investments by an international commodity trader in natural gas distribution companies in the UK and Europe.
  • Led the restructuring of a steam and power generation unit supplying a major UK oil refinery.
  • Managed global physical and derivative client exposures to insolvent counterparties in the oil, metals and softs markets.
  • Structured precious metals trading arrangements for a European bank.
  • Advised on the syndication of a sugar pre-pay structure by the US branch of an Australian bank.
  • Advising Green Biofuels on a £10m equity, credit and supply investment into the company by BP PLC.
  • Advising Torq, an international group trading in soft and agricultural commodities, on its expansion program.
  • Advising Eterna Plc, a listed Nigerian fuel importer/distributor in its ongoing dispute with a Swiss trade finance bank over the ownership and control of a cargo of baseoil.
  • Advising a Swiss commodity trader and investment firm on a working capital facility for a UK scrap metals merchant.
  • Advising Shard Credit Partners Ltd on the structuring and implementation of a new trade finance vehicle using sale and repurchase funding techniques.
  • Advising Cabipa, a Nigerian importer of refined petroleum products on its supply, storage and financing arrangements in West and East Africa.
  • Advising Mizrahi Tefahot Bank on its new facility with Czarnikow, a major physical trader of sugar and food packaging.

Career History

Previous Law Firms

  • Holman Fenwick Willan, Partner
  • Clyde & Co, Solicitor

Previous Businesses

  • Akoris Trading Limited
  • Bank Leumi (UK) plc
  • Alaska Metals
  • Glencore plc


  • London School of Economics, LLM
  • University of Cambridge, MA, Law


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Marc has over 20 years of experience in commodities trading, finance and investment and is part of gunnercooke’s Chambers-ranked Commodities and Trade Finance team. He has held both in house and private practice positions.  Marc’s clients include senior management of trading houses, banks and investment funds.  His track record covers transactions and dispute resolution in the energy, metals and softs markets.

Marc Advises

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  • Trading Companies
  • Trade Finance Banks
  • Investment Funds

Experience Highlights

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  • Advised an international commodity trader on a pre-export finance facility for the production of copper concentrates in Central Africa.
  • Advised the European office of a US-based alternative trade finance lender on its facilities with UK and European borrowers.
  • Structured and managed equity and credit investments by an international commodity trader in natural gas distribution companies in the UK and Europe.
  • Led the restructuring of a steam and power generation unit supplying a major UK oil refinery.
  • Managed global physical and derivative client exposures to insolvent counterparties in the oil, metals and softs markets.
  • Structured precious metals trading arrangements for a European bank.
  • Advised on the syndication of a sugar pre-pay structure by the US branch of an Australian bank.
  • Advising Green Biofuels on a £10m equity, credit and supply investment into the company by BP PLC.
  • Advising Torq, an international group trading in soft and agricultural commodities, on its expansion program.
  • Advising Eterna Plc, a listed Nigerian fuel importer/distributor in its ongoing dispute with a Swiss trade finance bank over the ownership and control of a cargo of baseoil.
  • Advising a Swiss commodity trader and investment firm on a working capital facility for a UK scrap metals merchant.
  • Advising Shard Credit Partners Ltd on the structuring and implementation of a new trade finance vehicle using sale and repurchase funding techniques.
  • Advising Cabipa, a Nigerian importer of refined petroleum products on its supply, storage and financing arrangements in West and East Africa.
  • Advising Mizrahi Tefahot Bank on its new facility with Czarnikow, a major physical trader of sugar and food packaging.

Career History

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Previous Law Firms

  • Holman Fenwick Willan, Partner
  • Clyde & Co, Solicitor

Previous Businesses

  • Akoris Trading Limited
  • Bank Leumi (UK) plc
  • Alaska Metals
  • Glencore plc


  • London School of Economics, LLM
  • University of Cambridge, MA, Law