Proceeds of Crime

When so much is at stake, you need an advisor you can trust

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+44 (0)3330 143 401 [email protected]

In proceeds of crime proceedings, you need an advisor you can rely on to put a detailed strategy in place. Our expert team provides expert help to see you through the most difficult of times.


The Proceeds of Crime Act is a powerful piece of legislation which is having an increasing impact on commercial life in the UK. These matters often arise in crisis. At gunnercooke, experienced lawyers will be able to give you calm and cogent advice. From our years of experience and deep specialism in the field we can set out a clear commercial strategy from the outset.

You will be dealing with senior lawyers who will be able to make contact with the relevant law enforcement agency at an early stage, assist you in dealing with financial institutions and your own customers and where required represent your interests before the Court.

Key topic areas we are experts in include:

  • Suspicious Activity Reports and applications for consent from the National Crime Agency
  • Restraint Orders
  • Confiscation Proceedings
  • Property Freezing Orders and Civil Recovery Orders in the High Court
  • We are also able to offer advice and representation in respect of the new powers introduced by the Criminal Finances Act 2017 of Unexplained Wealth Orders and Account freezing and forfeiture order in the Magistrates Court

Common issues we solve for our clients

  • Businesses who need advice their policies on Anti Money Laundering, Bribery and Preventing the Facilitation of Tax Evasion.
  • Business needing advice on to protect themselves when they find themselves faced with suspicious transactions and the suspected proceeds of crime
  • Individuals who as a result of criminal investigations are faced with a restraint order or confiscation proceedings following a conviction.
  • Individuals and businesses who find themselves facing civil recovery or forfeiture proceedings, either as primary suspects or having innocently found themselves with the suspected proceeds of crime in the course of their dealings.

Notable matters our partners have worked on

  • Confiscation proceedings in the largest Ponzi fraud perpetrated in the UK valued at over £60m
  • Forfeiture proceedings in the Magistrates Court in respect of bankers drafts to a value in excess of $5m
  • Certificate of inadequacy proceedings in the High Court in respect assets in off shore jurisdictions
  • Advising a UK limited company in respect of its legal duties and obligations under the Proceeds of Crime Act in respect of its connection to the proceeds of an alleged multimillion-euro German tax fraud
  • Successfully representing a client in the retail car industry in respect of a claim for a confiscation order in excess of £20m. A settlement was reached for an order of £20k.
  • Representation of an executive facing restraint proceedings arising from the largest direct tax fraud the UK has seen.

Key Contacts

Alexander Swancar

Partner, Head of Branch Office Austria

Dispute Resolution, Real Estate (Blockchain) and ESG

Neil Williams


White Collar Crime

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