Carl Atkinson Comments British Airways Data Breach

July 8, 2021
Carl Atkinson


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Employment Partner Carl Atkinson has shared his insight on the latest headlines about the British Airways data-breach.

“The group action against British Airways is reported to have been the largest group action personal data claim in UK history and it may be an indicator of the way in which these cases are likely to be litigated in future. Historically data breach claims have been unattractive to litigate on an individual basis – compensation for stress and inconvenience has often been modest (in the region of a few thousand pounds) and the cost of litigation would not be justified by the financial recovery. 

“Group litigation changes this balance, the cohort of Claimants in the BA litigation is reported to have been approximately 16,000 and sharing the litigation cost across such large group reduces the per capita cost to a minimal amount thereby removing the historical barrier to litigation.

“This won’t be welcome news for Easyjet, which is reported to be facing a similar group claim following a data breach in 2020 which may have impacted 9 million consumers.”

You can read the article HERE.