International Arbitration

Guiding clients through global challenges when they arise

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+44 (0)3330 143 401 [email protected]

A highly experienced team of lawyers advising global clients on arbitrations and disputes across a range of sectors including infrastructure and construction, insurance and reinsurance, international trade, energy, financial services, sport, leisure and technology. gunnercooke’s arbitration practice is currently ranked within The Legal 500 2023.


We advise on all aspects of international arbitration from commencement of formal proceedings to enforcement of awards. We retain a combination of legal, cultural and language skills in a number of jurisdictions (including through offices in England, Scotland, Germany and New York, as well as International Desks in Spain, France, Italy, Asia and Brazil). We regularly cooperate with other law firms in international  jurisdictions and we are able to select counsel teams to work collaboratively with us and with our clients  without restrictions on service levels. Members of our team have conducted arbitrations with clients in many jurisdictions including in Bermuda, Central Eastern Europe, Hong Kong, Oman, South Korea and UAE.

The practice is partner-led and members have conducted arbitration under most of the major international rules and institutions including ICC, LCIA, SIAC, ICSID (investment treaty arbitration), DIAC, AAA and UNCITRAL.

We have the experience and expertise to manage important and high-value, cross-border arbitrations, but we also have the scale and relationships to manage arbitrations of any value.  Our sector expertise includes energy, banking and finance, construction, insurance and reinsurance, oil and gas, sovereign state bodies and property.

Key Contacts

David Breslin


Dispute Resolution

Chloe Carswell


International Arbitration & Dispute Resolution

Julie Forsyth


Construction, Engineering & Infrastructure

Clare Jones

Legal Counsel

Dispute Resolution

Ravindra Kumar


Dispute Resolution & International Arbitration

Khaled Moyeed


Dispute Resolution

Shilpen Savani


Dispute Resolution & Employment Law

Rita Sheth


Commercial Advisory & Commercial Litigation

Andre Yeghiazarian

Senior Associate

Dispute Resolution

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