Corporate Restructuring

Bringing comfort to distress

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For further advice please contact us for a consultation.

+44 (0)3330 143 401 [email protected]

Financial distress is a burden for any business, but when managed correctly, it can be an opportunity. Our Restructuring and Insolvency lawyers have wide experience of navigating companies through the distressed environment.


When trouble comes, experience shows. Our Restructuring and Insolvency lawyers work with all kinds of debtors and stakeholders across a wide variety of industry sectors. They deal with matters of any scale, in both purely domestic and in multi-jurisdictional dimensions.

Each of our lawyers is a seasoned advisor who will work alongside you for the duration of your case, with a commercial and entrepreneurial outlook focused on a successful outcome. Our familiarity with insolvency practitioners and an extensive network of other professionals working in the distressed environment throughout the UK and abroad gives you a distinct advantage, while our flexibility on pricing lets us deliver the most suitable arrangements for you.

We will help you to litigate risk and preserve value, work towards a rescue, restructuring or liquidation of assets. For impaired credit, we explore all avenues of recovery or additional investment, finding opportunities which may have been overlooked.

If you want to acquire a business, we design, hone and implement your strategy for a fast and cost-effective transaction. We can also help explain Company Voluntary Arrangements (CVAs), including determining if, and how to plan and use one – or how to challenge one.

We help companies; partnerships; individuals; insolvency practitioners and turnaround professionals; investors and holders of secured or unsecured debt; regulators; owners and licensees of intellectual property rights; pension trustees; landlords and tenants; customers of and suppliers to distressed businesses and those who manage them.

Whatever stake you have or want to acquire in a distressed situation, we identify your options, assist decision making, mitigate your risks and improve your outcome.

Notable cases

  • We have worked on many cases involving large household names, such as as Comet, MG Rover, Café Rouge.
  • The sensitive nature of Restructuring and Insolvency means many of our cases are confidential. However, our lawyers have acted in cases where companies and businesses have survived and jobs have been saved, and in cases where insolvency office-holders have achieved fabulous returns to creditors. They have also taken landmark cases to the Courts.

Our Restructuring & Insolvency work includes

  • Contingency planning
  • Debt restructuring
  • Distressed financing and rescheduling
  • Distressed company acquisitions and sales
  • Formal insolvency procedures
  • Insolvency litigation

Who have our Partners worked with?

  • Sectors include: retail, IT, real estate, oil and gas, healthcare, pharmaceutical, telecommunications, financial institutions and services, insurance, manufacturing, construction, engineering, automotive, entertainment, leisure, sports, education, and charitable sectors.
  • Insolvency practitioners include: Deloitte, EY, KPMG and PwC, AlixPartners, Alvarez & Marsal, BDO, CVR, Duff & Phelps, Grant Thornton, FRP, FTI, Mazars, Resolve and Smith & Williamson.

Key Contacts

Fiona Bee


Corporate & Real Estate

Elle Berrett


Corporate & Commercial

Chris Jones


Restructuring and Insolvency

Antje Krause


Tax, Corporate & Commercial law

Caroline McDonagh


Restructuring & Insolvency

James Nicholls


Restructuring & Insolvency

Alyson Reilly


Restructuring and Insolvency

Andrew Tonge


Restructuring & Insolvency

Oliver Waldburg


Banking & Finance, Restructuring

Noreen R. Weiss

Chair-US, Managing Partner, New York


News and Insights from our Partners

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