Commercial Contracts

We optimise your position and help your business to build relationships

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For further advice please contact us for a consultation.

+44 (0)3330 143 401 [email protected]

Experienced negotiators who will work with you to understand your industry and the drivers behind your business, to help you to achieve the best outcomes


Having robust commercial contracts is of fundamental importance to your business – and to us! We advise on the full spectrum of commercial agreements both domestically and internationally, providing the best technical advice and helping to achieve your business objectives.

We believe that you should be able to take technical expertise for granted. What sets us apart is the business acumen of our commercial lawyers, nearly all of whom have spent time working in industry. Without exception, our lawyers have great depth of experience and will support you in achieving your strategic objectives. Whether you need advice to optimise your position on a particularly complex one-off project, or more general legal support across your business, we can provide focused, responsive advice to meet your needs.

Our lawyers advise on the full spectrum of commercial matters, including agreements for the sale and supply of goods and services; agency, distribution and franchising arrangements; sponsorship deals; software licensing; GDPR; and outsourcing. We will support you in establishing a new relationship, through contract management and variations, and in the orderly termination of contractual arrangements where necessary.

We offer pro-active advice to ensure that your business remains fully up to date with requirements driven by legislation, best industry practice and the wider political and commercial environment. In an era of fast-moving change, we can help you to set the pace.

Common issues we solve for our clients

  • Standardisation of contracts
  • Bespoke agreements for the sale and supply of goods and services
  • Agency, distribution and franchising arrangements
  • Outsourcing
  • Software licensing
  • Sponsorship arrangements
  • GDPR
  • Mitigation against the uncertainties of Brexit
  • Policy documents to comply with legislative requirement
  • Advice in relation to distressed or failing contracts

Client testimonials

“Sarah provides commercial contract support for Arrow XL and has proven to be a very safe pair of hands. She has handled a range of complex and high value deals for the company and has a robust yet commercial approach to negotiations. She’s responsive, turns work around quickly and always provides drafting of the highest quality.”

– Kelsey McGlynn, Legal Counsel, Arrow XL

“Not only is Carol an excellent all round lawyer, but she also provides very strong and pragmatic business, strategic and management advice to her clients.”

– Former Chairman, Metaswitch Networks

Key Contacts

Nicky Androsov


Intellectual Property

Fiona Bee


Corporate & Real Estate

Elle Berrett


Corporate & Commercial

Elle Berrett


Corporate & Commercial

Alex Connah

Senior Associate

Corporate & Commercial

Natalie Da Silva


Commercial Contracts

Christoph Dally


IP & IT, Competition & Antitrust

Matthias Döring


M&A, Commercial & Corporate Law

Bill Fowler


Corporate & Commercial Law

Alex Innes


Banking & Finance

Rebecca Kelly


Commercial & IT Partner

Antje Krause


Tax, Corporate & Commercial law

Sarah Miles


Corporate & Commercial

Brian Miller

Legal Counsel

IP/IT, Data Protection & Commercial

Ignacio Morillas


Co-Co, Employment Law & Immigration

Moira OHara


Dispute Resolution

Jonathan Rogers


Construction, Corporate & Commercial

Simon Williams


Corporate & Commercial

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