Real Estate Finance

Making successful real estate deals happen

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+44 (0)3330 143 401

A team of driven and experienced multi-disciplinary professionals who are committed to helping you achieve your goals and grow your business.


The multi-disciplinary real estate finance team at gunnercooke comprises experienced professionals across the banking, real estate, construction, planning and tax sectors. We are committed to helping you to achieve the growth objectives for your business. We undertake transactions involving a broad range of assets from hotels and shopping centres to commercial and large-scale residential developments and buy-to-let property portfolios.

Our team advises financial institutions, senior lenders, mezzanine lenders, bridging financiers, institutional borrowers and developers in all aspects of real estate finance. We will work with you, aligning ourselves within your business to become an integral part of your team with trusted advisors taking a personal approach and commitment to your deal.

We relish the project management and delivery aspects of each transaction drawing on strong interpersonal and communication skills. We are proactive, and dedicated to delivering each transaction on time, to your requirements and to the highest of standards.

Notable cases:

  • Advising a logistics company client on the agreement for lease and subsequent lease for 65,000 sq ft of logistics space that was under development
  • Working with Urban Splash in respect of its renovation of the Grade II listed Brownfield Mill, the former home of A.V. Roe & Co (Britain’s first aeroplane manufacturer) into 31 canal-side apartments and a triple-storey ‘Engine House’
  • Trusted advisers to PlaceFirst on its private equity and development financing arrangements from ESO Capital to facilitate the redevelopment of derelict homes and vacant sites across the North-West, with a target of releasing 1,000 private residential units over a 5-year period
  • Acting for Secure Trust Bank plc in respect of ground rent portfolio facilities to Strawberry Star, secured over The Hoola Building and Sky Gardens, London
  • Assisting EC4 Hotels Limited in respect of its £18 million investment facility from National Westminster Bank plc to fund the acquisition of a portfolio of 4 hotels in Yorkshire
  • Acting for OakNorth Bank plc in respect of facilities of £18.5 million to finance the acquisition of land and development of 105 residential units in Bedfordshire

Who have our partners worked with?

  • Financial institutions
  • Senior lenders
  • Mezzanine lenders
  • Bridging financiers
  • Institutional borrowers and developers

Client quotes

‘Jill Parker is a solution-driven and highly effective lawyer who sets the gold standard for the delivery of legal services. Always acting with dedication and integrity, she focuses on our business needs to ensure our objectives are achieved — a safe pair of hands who always delivers.’

— David Smith-Milne, Manging Director, PlaceFirst

Key Contacts

Juliet Baboolal


Real Estate Finance

Gaynor Bannon

Legal Counsel

Commercial Real Estate

Simon Baum


Banking & Finance

Sundeep Billan

Legal Counsel

Real Estate Finance

Ashley Duke

Senior Associate

Real Estate Finance

Matthew East


Real Estate Finance

Simon Etchells


Real Estate Partner

Rob Fawke


Banking & Finance

Michael Goodman

Legal Counsel

Real Estate & Real Estate Finance

John Hargreaves


Real Estate, Corporate & Banking

Nisha Hartelius


Commercial Real Estate

Katie Hawksworth


Commercial Real Estate

Sarah Hung


Commercial Real Estate

Alex Innes


Banking & Finance

Louisa Jennings

Legal Counsel

Commercial Real Estate

Lucy Keeble


Commercial Real Estate

Jason Lewis


Real Estate Finance

Kim McMurray


Banking & Real Estate Finance

David Merson


Commercial Real Estate

Jill Parker


Banking & Finance

Vendula Petracek

Senior Associate

Real Estate Finance

Liz Roberts


Real Estate and Real Estate Finance

Jeremy Rosen


Commercial Real Estate

Howard Ross


Commercial Real Estate

Tom Seabrook


Property Dispute Resolution

Kavita Sharma

Senior Associate

Real Estate Finance

Molly Siggs


Real Estate & Real Estate Finance

Ninos Simon


Real Estate Finance

Numan Sultan


Real Estate & Real Estate Finance

Stavros Theophilou


Real Estate Finance

Simon Tomlinson


Commercial Real Estate

Oliver Waldburg


Banking & Finance, Restructuring

Marc Warren


Commercial Property

Benjamin Zatman


Commercial Real Estate

News and Insights from our Partners

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