Litigation & Arbitration

Managing disputes effectively, to mitigate your risk

Experts working closely with you for a better outcome in Litigation and Arbitration


Disputes are part and parcel of business life. When clients become involved in a dispute, our Litigation and Arbitration team works closely with them to get a full understanding of their objectives.

We assess the strengths and weaknesses of their case and provide strategic advice to resolve their dispute as cost-effectively as possible.

We work alongside clients to manage the risks of disputes for their businesses. Every matter begins with a full strategic review. This involves an in-depth cost-benefit analysis of the dispute, considering the strengths and weaknesses of the case in detail and alerting you to the costs involved in taking the matter forward.

We’re trusted by clients to fight their corner and our team is entirely focused on achieving our clients’ objectives in a cost-effective and commercial manner. We will always advise you on options before taking action – delivering peace of mind. Contentious circumstances can be extremely stressful for both the business and the individuals involved, which is why we are committed to standing side by side with clients as a trusted advisor and guide.

We advise on a wide range of commercial disputes, both those between business clients and third parties and those between owners of an individual business.

Achieving a commercial solution and resolving disputes through negotiation and mediation are an important part of our culture. If starting or continuing court action or arbitration is appropriate, then we will pursue this forcefully to help achieve your objectives.

Our work in Litigation and Arbitration includes:

  • Banking and finance litigation
  • Civil fraud and asset tracing
  • Contract disputes
  • Debt recovery
  • Disputes with directors
  • Injunctions
  • Insolvency disputes
  • Joint venture disputes
  • Partnership disputes
  • Professional negligence
  • Property litigation
  • Regulatory disputes
  • Shareholder disputes

Fee Structure

  • Debt Recovery Fee Structure


Who have our Partners worked with?

  • Company directors
  • Corporates
  • Entrepreneurs and high-net-worth individuals
  • Insolvency practitioners (both from England and overseas)

Key Contacts

Sarah Armstrong


Dispute Resolution & Employment Law

David Breslin


Dispute Resolution

Sarah Cato


Dispute Resolution

Kevin Connell


Construction, Engineering & Infrastructure

David Curd


Dispute Resolution

Rashmi Dubé


Litigation & ESG Partner

Julie Forsyth


Construction, Engineering & Infrastructure

Kelly Fox


Dispute Resolution

Sydney Fulda


Commercial Litigation and Investigations

Sapna Garg


Dispute Resolution

Clare Jones

Legal Counsel

Dispute Resolution

David Joseph


Dispute Resolution

Nasir Khan


Criminal Litigation

Ravindra Kumar


Dispute Resolution & International Arbitration

Khaled Moyeed


Dispute Resolution

Moira OHara


Dispute Resolution

Jonathan Rogers


Construction, Corporate & Commercial

Helen Rooney


Dispute Resolution

Shilpen Savani


Dispute Resolution & Employment Law

Rita Sheth


Commercial Advisory & Commercial Litigation

Alexander Swancar

Partner, Head of Branch Office Austria

Dispute Resolution, Real Estate (Blockchain) and ESG

Gary Swann


Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Jocelyn Taylor


Construction, Engineering & Infrastructure

Adam Taylor


Commercial Litigation, Restructuring and Insolvency & Debt Recovery

Felix Thiede


Dispute Resolution, Corporate & Commercial

Lateefah Wainwright

Senior Associate

Litigation & Insolvency

Mark Whittell


Dispute Resolution

Jordan Whyte


Dispute Resolution

Andre Yeghiazarian

Senior Associate

Dispute Resolution

News and Insights from our Partners

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